Droidbox-Dynamic analysis of Android apps.


DroidBox is developed to offer dynamic analysis of Android applications. The following information is described in the results, generated when analysis is complete:
  • Hashes for the analyzed package
  • Incoming/outgoing network data
  • File read and write operations
  • Started services and loaded classes through DexClassLoader
  • Information leaks via the network, file and SMS
  • Circumvented permissions
  • Cryptographic operations performed using Android API
  • Listing broadcast receivers
  • Sent SMS and phone calls
Additionally, two graphs are generated visualizing the behavior of the package. One showing the temporal order of the operations and the other one being a treemap that can be used to check similarity between analyzed packages.


This is a guide to get DroidBox running. The release has only been tested on Linux and Mac OS. If you do not have the Android SDK, download it from http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html. The following libraries are required: pylab and matplotlib to provide visualization of the analysis result.
  • Export the path for the SDK tools
export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/android-sdk/tools/
export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/android-sdk/platform-tools/
  • Download necessary files and uncompress it anywhere
wget https://github.com/pjlantz/droidbox/releases/download/v4.1.1/DroidBox411RC.tar.gz
  • Setup a new AVD targeting Android 4.1.2 and choose Nexus 4 as device as well as ARM as CPU type by running:
  • Start the emulator with the new AVD:
./startemu.sh <AVD name>
  • When emulator has booted up, start analyzing samples (please use the absolute path to the apk):
./droidbox.sh <file.apk> <duration in secs (optional)> 
The analysis is currently not automated except for installing and starting packages. Ending the analysis is simply done by pressing Ctrl-C. A package will also be implemented soon to populate the emulator with data prior to performing analysis.

                                Source and download

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