FileTypeDetector-Detects file type by filename or content and generates correct mimetype.


Files type detector based on file name extension or file content (binary content).
  1. Usage
  2. Installation
  3. Supported formats


File Type detection

  • Detection by file name: Detector::detectByFilename(...filename...): array|boolean
  • Detection by file content or stream content: Detector::detectByContent(...filename/resource...): array|boolean
Both functions will return an array with following elements in case of success:
  • [0] - Type of file (Detector::AUDIO and so on)
  • [1] - Format of file (Detector::MP3 and so on)
  • [2] - Mime type of file ('audio/mpeg' for example)
In case of failure it will return false.
$type = wapmorgan\FileTypeDetector\Detector::detectByFilename($filename);
// or
$type = wapmorgan\FileTypeDetector\Detector::detectByContent('file-without-extension');
// or
$type = wapmorgan\FileTypeDetector\Detector::detectByContent(fopen(http://somedomain/somepath', 'r'));

Mimetype generation

To get correct mimetype for file only there is getMimeType($file) function.
$mime = wapmorgan\FileTypeDetector\Detector::getMimeType($file);
// or
$mime = wapmorgan\FileTypeDetector\Detector::getMimeType(fopen('somefile', 'r'));

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