Fluxion-a security auditing and social-engineering research tool.

Fluxion is the future of MITM WPA attacks

Fluxion is a security auditing and social-engineering research tool. It is a remake of linset by vk496 with (hopefully) less bugs and more functionality. The script attempts to retrieve the WPA/WPA2 key from a target access point by means of a social engineering (phising) attack. It's compatible with the latest release of Kali (rolling). Fluxion's attacks' setup is mostly manual, but experimental auto-mode handles some of the attacks' setup parameters. Read the FAQ before requesting issues.

Router login page

Share your own router page with a simple script
cd scripts
sudo sh router.sh


Read this before you follow the following steps.
Download the latest revision
git clone --recursive git@github.com:FluxionNetwork/fluxion.git 
Switch to tool's directory
cd fluxion 
Run fluxion (missing dependencies will be auto-installed)


Fluxion gets weekly updates with new features, improvements, and bugfixes. Be sure to check out the changelog.

 How to contribute

All contributions are welcome! Code, documentation, graphics, and design suggestions are welcome; use GitHub to its fullest. Submit pull requests, contribute tutorials or other wiki content -- whatever you have to offer, it'll be appreciated but please follow the style guide.

 How it works

  • Scan for a target wireless network.
  • Launch the Handshake Snooper attack.
  • Capture a handshake (necessary for password verification).
  • Launch Captive Portal attack.
  • Spawns a rogue (fake) AP, imitating the original access point.
  • Spawns a DNS server, redirecting all requests to the attacker's host running the captive portal.
  • Spawns a web server, serving the captive portal which prompts users for their WPA/WPA2 key.
  • Spawns a jammer, deauthenticating all clients from original AP and luring them to the rogue AP.
  • All authentication attempts at the captive portal are checked against the handshake file captured earlier.
  • The attack will automatically terminate once a correct key has been submitted.
  • The key will be logged and clients will be allowed to reconnect to the target access point.
  • For a guide to the Captive Portal attack, read the Captive Portal attack guide


A Linux-based operating system. We recommend Kali Linux 2 or Kali rolling. Kali 2 & rolling support the latest aircrack-ng versions. An external wifi card is recommended.

                             Source and download

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