gOSINT-OSINT framework in Go.

What gOSINT can do

  •  Find mails from git repository
  •  Find Dumps for mail address
  •  Search for mail address linked to domain/mail address in PGP keyring
  •  Retrieve Info from domain whois (waiting to be implemented)
  •  Search for mail address in source code
  •  Retrieve Telegram Public Groups History


You can use the building script, just clone the directory and execute it
git clone https://github.com/Nhoya/gOSINT
The package will be installed in /usr/local/bin
You can then call gOSINT from command line
$ gOSINT --help

Manual Building


Before building gOSINT manually you need to solve the dependencies:
go get "github.com/deckarep/golang-set"
go get "github.com/nhoya/goPwned"
go get "github.com/jessevdk/go-flags"
go get "gopkg.in/src-d/go-git.v4"
go get "github.com/jaytaylor/html2text"
git clone https://github.com/Nhoya/gOSINT && cd gOSINT && go build


Currently gOSINT is still an early version and few modules are supported
  •  git support for mail retriving (using github API, bitbucket API or RAW clone and search)
  •  Search for mails in PGP Server
  •  https://haveibeenpwned.com/ search for mail in databreach
  •  Retrive Telegram Public Group Messages
  •  WHOIS support (the module is ready but has to be integrated)
  •  Search for mail address in source
  •  https://shodan.io search
  •  Social Media search
  •  Search Engine search



Application Options:
  -m, --module=[pgp|pwnd|git|plainSearch|telegram] Specify module
  -v, --version                                    Print version
      --url=                                       Specify target URL
      --gitAPI=[github|bitbucket]                  Specify git website API to
                                                     use (for git module,optional)
  -c, --clone                                      Enable clone function for 
                                                   plainSearch module
                                                      (need to specify repo URL)
      --mail=                                      Specify mail target (for pgp and pwnd module)
      --grace=                                     Specify telegram messages grace period 
                                                                               (default: 15)
  -g, --tgroup=                                    Specify Telegram group/channel name
  -s, --tgstart=                                   Specify first message to scrape
  -e, --tgend=                                     Specify last message to scrape
      --dumpfile                                   Create and resume messages from dumpfile
                          Ask confirmation before adding mail to set (for plainSearch module)
  -p, --path=                                      Specify target path (for plainSearch module)
  -f, --full                                       Make deep search using linked modules

Help Options:
  -h, --help                                       Show this help message


Currently gOSINT supports the following actions
gOSINT -m git --url=[RepoURL] --gitAPI [github|bitbucket] (optional)
retrieve mail from git commits
gOSINT -m git --url [RepoURL] --gitAPI [github|bitbucket] (optional) -f
pass the result to pgp search and pwnd module
gOSINT -m pwnd --mail [targetMail]
search for breaches where targetMail is preset
gOSINT -m pgp --mail [targetMail]
search for others mail in PGP Server
gOSINT -m pgp --mail [targetMail] -f
pass the result to haveibeenpwn module
gOSINT -m sourceSerch --path [targetDirectory]
search for mails in source code (recursively)
gOSINT -m sourceSearh --path [targetDirectory] --ask-confirmation
ask confirmation before adding mail to search results
gOSINT -m sourceSearch --path [targetDirectory] -f
pass the result to pgp search and haveibeenpwnd modules
gOSINT -m sourceSearch --clone --url [targetRepository]
clone and search mail in repository source
gOSINT -m sourceSearch --clone --url [targetRepository] -f
pass the resoult to pgp search and haveibeenpwnd modules
gOSINT -m sourceSearch --clone --url [targetRepository] --ask-confirmation
ask confirmation before adding mail to search results
gOSINT -m telegram --tgroup | -g [PublicGroupName]
retrieve message history for telegram public group
gOSINT -m telegram --tgroup | -g [PublicGroupName] --dumpfile
the output will be stored in a file, if the file is already populated it will resume from the last ID
gOSINT -m telegram --tgroup | -g [PublicGroupName] --dumpfile -s [masageID] -e [messageID]
Set start and end messages for scraping

                                                  Source and download

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