Heralding-Credentials catching honeypot.


Sometimes you just want a simple honeypot that collects credentials, nothing more. Heralding is that honeypot! Currently the following protocols are supported: ftp, telnet, ssh, http, https, pop3, pop3s, imap, imaps, smtp and postgresql.
You need Python 3.5.0 or higher.

Starting the honeypot

Viewing the collected data

Heralding logs relevant data in two files, log_session.csv and log_auth.csv.
This log file contains entries for all connections to the honeypot. The data includes timestamp, duration, IP information and the number of authentication attempts. Be aware that the log entry for a specific session will appear in the log fil after the session has ended.
$ tail log_session.csv timestamp,duration,session_id,source_ip,source_port,destination_ip,destination_port,protocol,auth_attempts 2017-12-26 20:38:19.683713,16,0841e3aa-241b-4da0-b85e-e5a5524cc836,,53161,,23,telnet,3 2017-12-26 22:17:33.140742,6,d20c30c1-6765-4ab5-9144-a8be02385018,,55149,,21,ftp,1 2017-12-26 22:17:48.088281,0,e0f50505-af93-4234-b82c-5477d8d88546,,55151,,22,ssh,0 2017-12-26 22:18:06.284689,0,6c7d653f-d02d-4717-9973-d9b2e4a41d24,,55153,,22,ssh,0 2017-12-26 22:18:13.043327,30,f3af2c8c-b63f-4873-ac7f-28c73b9e3e92,,55155,,22,ssh,3
This log file contains information for all authentication attempts where it was possible to log a username and plaintext password. Log entries will appear in this file as soon as the password has been transmitted.
$ tail log_auth.csv timestamp,auth_id,auth_type,session_id,source_ip,source_port,destination_port,protocol,username,password 2016-03-12 20:35:02.258198,,51551,23,telnet,bond,james 2016-03-12 20:35:09.658593,,51551,23,telnet,clark,P@SSw0rd123 2016-03-18 19:31:38.064700,,53416,22,ssh,NOP_Manden,M@MS3 2016-03-18 19:31:38.521047,,53416,22,ssh,guest,guest 2016-03-18 19:31:39.376768,,53416,22,ssh,HundeMad,katNIPkat 2016-03-18 19:33:07.064504,,53431,110,pop3,charles,N00P1SH 2016-03-18 19:33:12.504483,,53431,110,pop3,NektarManden,mANDENnEktar 2016-03-18 19:33:24.952645,,53433,21,ftp,Jamie,brainfreeze 2016-03-18 19:33:47.008562,,53436,21,ftp,NektarKongen,SuperS@cretP4ssw0rd1 2016-03-18 19:36:56.077840,,53445,21,ftp,Joooop,Pooop

Installing Heralding

For step by step instructions on how to install and run heralding in a Python virtual environment using Ubuntu, see this guide. Otherwise, the basic installation instructions are below.
To install the latest stable (well, semi-stable) version, use pip:
pip install heralding
Make sure that requirements and pip is installed. Simple way to do this on a Debian-based OS is:
sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev
sudo pip install -r requirements.txtri
And finally start the honeypot:
mkdir tmp
cd tmp
sudo heralding

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