NoSQLMap-Automated NoSQL database enumeration and web application exploitation tool.
NoSQLMap is an open source Python tool designed to audit for as well as automate injection attacks and exploit default configuration weaknesses in NoSQL databases and web applications using NoSQL in order to disclose or clone data from the database.
What is NoSQL?
A NoSQL (originally referring to "non SQL", "non relational" or "not only SQL") database provides a mechanism for storage and retrieval of data which is modeled in means other than the tabular relations used in relational databases. Such databases have existed since the late 1960s, but did not obtain the "NoSQL" moniker until a surge of popularity in the early twenty-first century, triggered by the needs of Web 2.0 companies such as Facebook, Google, and NoSQL databases are increasingly used in big data and real-time web applications. NoSQL systems are also sometimes called "Not only SQL" to emphasize that they may support SQL-like query languages.
DBMS Support
Presently the tool's exploits are focused around MongoDB, and CouchDB but additional support for other NoSQL based platforms such as Redis, and Cassandra are planned in future releases.
On a Debian or Red Hat based system, the script may be run as root to automate the installation of NoSQLMap's dependencies.
Varies based on features used:
- Metasploit Framework,
- Python with PyMongo,
- httplib2,
- and urllib available.
- A local, default MongoDB instance for cloning databases to. Check here for installation instructions.
There are some various other libraries required that a normal Python installation should have readily available. Your milage may vary, check the script.
python install
Usage Instructions
Start with
python NoSQLMap
NoSQLMap uses a menu based system for building attacks. Upon starting NoSQLMap you are presented with with the main menu:
1-Set options (do this first)
2-NoSQL DB Access Attacks
3-NoSQL Web App attacks
4-Scan for Anonymous MongoDB Access
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