Pick-A secure and easy-to-use password manager for macOS and Linux.


go get

go get -u github.com/bndw/pick


brew tap bndw/pick
brew install bndw/pick/pick-pass


git clone https://github.com/bndw/pick && cd pick
make install

Getting started

If you haven't used pick before, you first need to initialize your pick safe. This is straightforward:
pick init
Running pick init will ask you for a master password. Your master password is used to encrypt your pick safe. As this is the only password you need to remember to access all passwords and notes stored in your pick safe, make this a strong and unique one! Use pick pass to generate a strong password if you think you're not creative enough :).

Adding a credential

Once pick has been initialized, adding a new credential is easy:
pick add github
This will ask you for your master password first which is required to store something in the pick safe. Then type in your username which should be used for the github credential. pick will now ask you if you already have a password for githubor if should create a new one for you. Done. Credential added.

Listing your credentials

pick ls

Copy a credential's password to your clipboard

pick cp github
For all commands, please refer to Usage.


  pick [command]

Available Commands:
  add         Add a credential
  backup      Backup the safe
  cat         Cat a credential
  cp          Copy a credential to the clipboard
  edit        Edit a credential
  export      Export decrypted credentials in JSON format
  ls          List all credentials
  mv          Rename a credential
  note        Create a note
  pass        Generate a password without storing it
  rm          Remove a credential
  sync        Sync current safe with another pick safe
  version     Print the version number of pick

Use "pick [command] --help" for more information about a command.

                      Source and download

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