Pig-A Linux packet crafting tool.


Pig (which can be understood as Packet intruder generator) is a Linux packet crafting tool. You can use Pig to test your IDS/IPS among other stuff.
Pig brings a bunch of well-known attack signatures ready to be used and you can expand this collection with more specific things according to your requirements.
Until now it is possible to create IPv4 signatures with transport layer based on TCPUDP and ICMP. You can also create signatures based on ARP protocol, besides building up the packet since its Ethernet frame.
If you arrived here by my 2600 article from the SPRING 2016 issue keep reading the following documentation sections because this little Pig has been evolving since then.

How to clone this repo?

It is pretty simple:
someones@err..InTheWolf:~/src# git clone https://github.com/rafael-santiago/pig pig
someones@err..InTheWolf:~/src# cd pig
someones@err..InTheWolf:~/src/pig# git submodule update --init

How to build it?

You need to use the Hefesto to build pig. After following the steps to put Hefesto working on your system. Move to the pig sub-directory named as src and run the following command:
someones@err..InTheWolf:~/src/pig/src# hefesto
After this command you should find the pig binary under the path src/bin. You can use the binary relatively from src/binor install it.
If for some reason you are having build troubles you should try to read some remarks present in BUILD.md.

How to install it?

For installing you need to be inside the src sub-directory and call:
someones@err..InTheWolf:~/src/pig/src# hefesto --install
For uninstalling, being inside the src sub-directory you should call:
someones@err..InTheWolf:~/src/pig/src# hefesto --uninstall

                     Source and download

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