RecuperaBit-A tool for forensic file system reconstruction.

A software which attempts to reconstruct file system structures and recover files. Currently it supports only NTFS.
RecuperaBit attempts reconstruction of the directory structure regardless of:
  • missing partition table
  • unknown partition boundaries
  • partially-overwritten metadata
  • quick format


    usage: [-h] [-s SAVEFILE] [-w] [-o OUTPUTDIR] path
    Reconstruct the directory structure of possibly damaged filesystems.
    positional arguments:
      path                  path to the disk image
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -s SAVEFILE, --savefile SAVEFILE
                            path of the scan save file
      -w, --overwrite       force overwrite of the save file
      -o OUTPUTDIR, --outputdir OUTPUTDIR
                            directory for restored contents and output files
    The main argument is the path to a bitstream image of a disk or partition. RecuperaBit automatically determines the sectors from which partitions start.
    RecuperaBit does not modify the disk image, however it does read some parts of it multiple times through the execution. It should also work on real devices, such as /dev/sda but this is not advised for damaged drives. RecuperaBit might worsen the situation by "stressing" a damaged drive or it could crash due to an I/O error.
    Optionally, a save file can be specified with -s. The first time, after the scanning process, results are saved in the file. After the first run, the file is read to only analyze interesting sectors and speed up the loading phase.
    Overwriting the save file can be forced with -w.
    RecuperaBit includes a small command line that allows the user to recover files and export the contents of a partition in CSV or body file format. These are exported in the directory specified by -o (or recuperabit_output).


    RecuperaBit can be run with the standard cPython implementation, however speed can be increased by using it with the Pypy interpreter and JIT compiler:
    pypy /path/to/disk.img

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